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  • Contains 10 Component(s)

    The recordings from CleanMed 2022 are now available. Only livestreamed plenaries and breakout sessions were recorded and are available for free to CleanMed full-conference attendees and Practice Greenhealth partners.

    Thanks to all the attendees, volunteers, and leaders that made CleanMed 2022 May 10-12 in Kansas City, Mo. a wonderful success. The learning doesn't have to end when the conference does. Full-conference attendees and Practice Greenhealth members have free access to the recordings of the CleanMed 2022 livestreamed plenaries and education sessions.

    Please note that all users must have a Practice Greenhealth account in order to access the content on Greenhealth Academy. You can request a Practice Greenhealth account here

  • Contains 18 Component(s)

    The recordings from CleanMed Connect 2021 now available. Recorded sessions are available to Practice Greenhealth partners.

    Practice Greenhealth members have free access to the recordings of the CleanMed Connect 2021 virtual sessions.

    Please note that all users must have a Practice Greenhealth account in order to access the content on Greenhealth Academy. You can request a Practice Greenhealth account here

  • Contains 2 Component(s)

    As large institutional purchasers, hospitals have a significant role to play in changing the story of farm and food chain workers, promoting fair wages and better working conditions within the hospital walls and in the broader community and food system.

    Farm and food chain workers face some of the most dangerous and exploitative conditions and lowest wages of any profession in the United States. In 2019, the Department of Labor found that 10 of the 25 lowest paying jobs were in food and agriculture, while the Bureau of Labor Statistics reported that farmers, ranchers, ranch hands, agricultural workers, and fishers were among the jobs with the highest rates of fatal on-the-job injuries and illnesses. Abusive working conditions are rampant across the food system with people of color and women being disproportionately impacted. 

    As large institutional purchasers, hospitals have a significant role to play in changing this story and promoting fair wages and better working conditions within the hospital walls and in the broader community and food system. This session will provide an overview of the current health and social challenges faced by farm and food chain workers in the United States and how shifting purchasing practices can help improve individual and public health outcomes. 

    Spectrum Health will share some of their successes as a roadmap for others looking to implement similar programs. Grassroots organizers will share their perspectives on labor conditions and why it is important for hospitals to be involved in leading food system change. Health Care Without Harm staff will provide an overview of food label claims and certifications that include a fair labor component as a starting point for facilities that want to begin to place further emphasis on labor standards in their supply chains.

    Alexa Delwiche

    Center for Good Food Purchasing Co-founder and executive director

    Jeannie Economos

    Farmworker’s Association of Florida Pesticide safety and environmental health project coordinator

    Mick Rickerd,

    Spectrum Health Executive chef

  • Contains 2 Component(s)

    Find out how your facility can participate in the 2021 Environmental Excellence Awards.

    Practice Greenhealth’s Environmental Excellence Awards are the premier source of recognition for environmental achievement in health care. This webinar will provide a category-specific look at updates to the 2021 Partner for Change application and will also highlight the modified application that is available for the 2021 award cycle. We will also be introducing new cybersecurity features for the awards platform. Join us to learn how Practice Greenhealth can support your hospital in gaining recognition for your sustainability and resilience work amid a global public health crisis this past year.

    Cecilia DeLoach Lynn

    Practice Greenhealth sector performance and recognition director

    DeLoach Lynn leads the sector performance team at Practice Greenhealth, where she works to develop and refine key performance metrics for sustainability in the health care sector. She also creates tools and guidance to support members in assessing, measuring, and benchmarking sustainability performance, impact, and return on investment. DeLoach Lynn is an expert in sustainable operations in health care and has been guiding hospitals and health systems on the development of customized sustainability and change management strategies for more than 20 years.

    Contact Info:

    • Learn about the modified award application for 2021.
    • View page-by-page updates to the 2021 Partner for Change award application.
    • Review how to access your awards dashboard and start a new application.

  • Contains 2 Component(s)

    Join us for Part III of a three-part training series on how to use the Greenhealth Cost of Ownership (GCO) Calculator.

    Session Description

    Join us for Part III of a three-part training series on how to use the Greenhealth Cost of Ownership (GCO) Calculator.

    This webinar will review and demo a detailed cost of ownership calculation on durable goods. The speakers will describe the data needed for a detailed assessment and the special considerations for durable goods. Users will view a demo, walking through a typical product scenario to fully understand how to use the calculator to compare durable products and the type of results that show the lowest cost and the least environmental impact to support smart purchasing decisions. This webinar offers a valuable learning opportunity for users of the calculator and those who want to have a practical understanding of the calculator's functionality and results.

    This Part III webinar is highly recommended for anyone who intends to use, manage or understand the GCO calculator functions. This is the second part of a three-part training series on the Greenhealth Cost of Ownership (GCO) Calculator.

    Part I of the training series provides an overview of the calculator and the business case for using it. Part II of the training series shares how to do a Detailed Assessment for Consumable/Reusable Goods (as opposed to durable goods). These 60-minute webinars offer users a valuable opportunity to understand the benefits of the calculator and how to use the calculator effectively to identify the product with the lowest cost to the organization and the product with the least environmental impact.

    Understand the data needed for a Detailed Assessment of durable goods and where you can gather this data.

    Recognize the steps necessary to perform a detailed assessment of durable goods and how best to use the calculator to achieve effective results.

    Cite at least one unique consideration in assessing durable goods.

    Identify and visualize how the results can support cost saving and reducing environmental impacts.

    Dr. James Salo

    Senior Vice President, Strategy and Research, Trucost

    James is the senior member responsible for Trucost's research efforts in North America. Since joining Trucost in 2007, James has led hundreds of client and public projects including Trucost’s collaboration with GreenBiz on the annual State of Green Business report.

    James led Trucost’s research team that worked with Practice Greenhealth in the benchmarking and scope development of a Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) tool for the health care industry.

    James holds a Doctor of Philosophy from Oxford University's Centre of the Environment, where his work focused on the measurement of corporate environmental performance and this data’s use within financial markets. He also holds a BA and an MA in Environmental Science and Policy from Clark University.

    Libby Bernick

    Vice President, North America, Trucost

    Libby manages Trucost's North American business, and leads the regional team responsible for Financial Institution services and Corporate services in the North American region. She also manages large key accounts and is part of Trucost's senior management team. She has worked for over 25 years helping businesses to integrate environmental information into their decision-making processes, and has led the development and implementation of numerous decision-support tools and programs at multinational corporations. Her business experience includes multi-year assignments on new product development teams commercializing the launch of greener products and as the environmental manager within a production facility. An author of numerous articles and frequent speaker at international industry events and forums, Libby is a recognized expert in environmental reporting, greener product development, and environmental supply chain issues. Prior to joining Trucost, Libby was Vice President at UL Environment responsible for its global sustainability services business, and Director of PE International Five Winds' Consumer Products & Retail Sector. Libby holds a M.A.S. in Civil (Environmental) Engineering and a B.A. in Chemistry and Biology from the University of Delaware. She is a licensed Professional Engineer and is LEED AP accredited by the U.S. Green Building Council.

    Miriam Tarin

    Senior Research Analyst, Trucost

    Miriam is a Senior Research Analyst at Trucost and she works with organizations to help them understand, manage and reduce their impacts on natural capital. For example, she has led Trucost's involvement for TEEB's study on global animal husbandry practices.This study quantified and valued the costs and benefits of different livestock commodities and identified opportunities for improving food security. Miriam contributed to a Brazilian study that determined the natural capital risk exposure of its financial sector, which was commissioned by GIZ and CEBDS - representative of the World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD) in Brazil. Miriam has also has expertise on life-cycle analysis, environmental input-output modelling and environmental profit and loss accounting.

    Miriam has a Masters degree in Economics for Natural Resource and Environmental Management from Cranfield University, and a Bachelors degree in Agricultural Engineering from the Polytechnic University of Valencia, Spain, which included one year at the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences. Before joining Trucost, Miriam worked on a research project for Unilever regarding the sustainable intensification of agriculture.

  • Contains 2 Component(s)

    Join us for Part II of the three part training series on how to use the Greenhealth Cost of Ownership Calculator.

    Session Description

    Join us for Part II of the three part training series on how to use the Greenhealth Cost of Ownership Calculator.

    This webinar will review and demo a detailed cost of ownership calculation on consumable/reusable goods. The speakers will describe the data needed for a detailed assessment and the special considerations for consumable/reusable goods. Users will view a demo, walking through a typical product scenario to fully understand how to use the calculator to compare consumable/reusable products and the type of results that show the lowest cost and the least environmental impact to support smart purchasing decisions. This webinar offers a valuable learning opportunity for users of the calculator and those who want to have a practical understanding of the calculator's functionality and results.

    This Part II webinar is highly recommended for anyone who intends to use, manage or understand the TCO calculator functions. This is the second part of a three-part training series on the Greenhealth Cost of Ownership (GCO) Calculator.

    Part I of the training series provides an overview of the calculator and the business case for using it. Part III of the training series shares how to do a Detailed TCO Assessment for Durable Goods (as opposed to consumable/reusable goods). These 60-minute webinars offer users a valuable opportunity to understand the benefits of the calculator and how to use the calculator effectively to identify the product with the lowest cost to the organization and the least environmental impact.

    Understand the data needed for a Detailed Assessment of consumable/reusable goods and where you can gather this data.

    Recognize the steps necessary to perform a detailed assessment of consumable/reusable goods and how best to use the calculator to achieve effective results.

    Cite at least one unique consideration in assessing consumable/reusable goods.

    Identify and visualize how the results can support cost saving and reducing environmental impacts.

    Dr. James Salo

    Senior Vice President, Strategy and Research, Trucost

    James is the senior member responsible for Trucost's research efforts in North America. Since joining Trucost in 2007, James has led hundreds of client and public projects including Trucost’s collaboration with GreenBiz on the annual State of Green Business report.

    James led Trucost’s research team that worked with Practice Greenhealth in the benchmarking and scope development of a Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) tool for the health care industry.

    James holds a Doctor of Philosophy from Oxford University's Centre of the Environment, where his work focused on the measurement of corporate environmental performance and this data’s use within financial markets. He also holds a BA and an MA in Environmental Science and Policy from Clark University.

    Libby Bernick

    Vice President, North America, Trucost

    Libby manages Trucost's North American business, and leads the regional team responsible for Financial Institution services and Corporate services in the North American region. She also manages large key accounts and is part of Trucost's senior management team. She has worked for over 25 years helping businesses to integrate environmental information into their decision-making processes, and has led the development and implementation of numerous decision-support tools and programs at multinational corporations. Her business experience includes multi-year assignments on new product development teams commercializing the launch of greener products and as the environmental manager within a production facility. An author of numerous articles and frequent speaker at international industry events and forums, Libby is a recognized expert in environmental reporting, greener product development, and environmental supply chain issues. Prior to joining Trucost, Libby was Vice President at UL Environment responsible for its global sustainability services business, and Director of PE International Five Winds' Consumer Products & Retail Sector. Libby holds a M.A.S. in Civil (Environmental) Engineering and a B.A. in Chemistry and Biology from the University of Delaware. She is a licensed Professional Engineer and is LEED AP accredited by the U.S. Green Building Council.

    Miriam Tarin

    Senior Research Analyst, Trucost

    Miriam is a Senior Research Analyst at Trucost and she works with organizations to help them understand, manage and reduce their impacts on natural capital. For example, she has led Trucost's involvement for TEEB's study on global animal husbandry practices.This study quantified and valued the costs and benefits of different livestock commodities and identified opportunities for improving food security. Miriam contributed to a Brazilian study that determined the natural capital risk exposure of its financial sector, which was commissioned by GIZ and CEBDS - representative of the World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD) in Brazil. Miriam has also has expertise on life-cycle analysis, environmental input-output modelling and environmental profit and loss accounting.

    Miriam has a Masters degree in Economics for Natural Resource and Environmental Management from Cranfield University, and a Bachelors degree in Agricultural Engineering from the Polytechnic University of Valencia, Spain, which included one year at the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences. Before joining Trucost, Miriam worked on a research project for Unilever regarding the sustainable intensification of agriculture.

  • Contains 5 Component(s)

    Join us for Part I of the three part training series on how to use the Greenhealth Cost of Ownership Calculator.

    Session Description

    Join us for Part I of the three part training series on how to use the Greenhealth Cost of Ownership Calculator.

    This webinar will share the business case for using the Greenhealth Cost of Ownership (GCO) Calculator and what product types are the best ones to target for an assessment. The GCO Calculator provides a standard framework for evaluating and comparing the total costs to an organization of the products under consideration in the procurement process. Discover the data needed in order to use the tool efficiently and the sources for this data. Watch a demo of a GCO Calculator screening assessment to enhance your ability to use the tool quickly and effectively. Understand how to share the tool results with leadership and know additional resources for users.

    This Part I webinar is highly recommended for anyone who intends to use, manage or understand the GCO Calculator functions. This is the first part of a three-part training series on the Greenhealth Cost of Ownership Calculator.

    Part II and Part III of the training series share how to do a Detailed GCO Assessment. These webinars offer a more comprehensive review of the calculator that includes special considerations for types of products. Part II will focus on consumable/reusable goods, and Part III will target durable goods, including supplemental consumable parts.

    • Learn the business case for using a GCO Calculator and how it can support organizational priorities for cost saving, improving the health of patients, and reducing environmental impacts.
    • Understand the key product types that are best for a GCO analysis
    • Be able to articulate the six steps in using the GCO Calculator.
    • Recognize the outcomes and metrics possible with a GCO Calculator

    Dr. James Salo

    Senior Vice President, Strategy and Research, Trucost

    James is the senior member responsible for Trucost's research efforts in North America. Since joining Trucost in 2007, James has led hundreds of client and public projects including Trucost’s collaboration with GreenBiz on the annual State of Green Business report.

    James led Trucost’s research team that worked with Practice Greenhealth in the benchmarking and scope development of a Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) tool for the health care industry.

    James holds a Doctor of Philosophy from Oxford University's Centre of the Environment, where his work focused on the measurement of corporate environmental performance and this data’s use within financial markets. He also holds a BA and an MA in Environmental Science and Policy from Clark University.

    Libby Bernick

    Vice President, North America, Trucost

    Libby manages Trucost's North American business, and leads the regional team responsible for Financial Institution services and Corporate services in the North American region. She also manages large key accounts and is part of Trucost's senior management team. She has worked for over 25 years helping businesses to integrate environmental information into their decision-making processes, and has led the development and implementation of numerous decision-support tools and programs at multinational corporations. Her business experience includes multi-year assignments on new product development teams commercializing the launch of greener products and as the environmental manager within a production facility. An author of numerous articles and frequent speaker at international industry events and forums, Libby is a recognized expert in environmental reporting, greener product development, and environmental supply chain issues. Prior to joining Trucost, Libby was Vice President at UL Environment responsible for its global sustainability services business, and Director of PE International Five Winds' Consumer Products & Retail Sector. Libby holds a M.A.S. in Civil (Environmental) Engineering and a B.A. in Chemistry and Biology from the University of Delaware. She is a licensed Professional Engineer and is LEED AP accredited by the U.S. Green Building Council.

    Miriam Tarin

    Senior Research Analyst, Trucost

    Miriam is a Senior Research Analyst at Trucost and she works with organizations to help them understand, manage and reduce their impacts on natural capital. For example, she has led Trucost's involvement for TEEB's study on global animal husbandry practices.This study quantified and valued the costs and benefits of different livestock commodities and identified opportunities for improving food security. Miriam contributed to a Brazilian study that determined the natural capital risk exposure of its financial sector, which was commissioned by GIZ and CEBDS - representative of the World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD) in Brazil. Miriam has also has expertise on life-cycle analysis, environmental input-output modelling and environmental profit and loss accounting.

    Miriam has a Masters degree in Economics for Natural Resource and Environmental Management from Cranfield University, and a Bachelors degree in Agricultural Engineering from the Polytechnic University of Valencia, Spain, which included one year at the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences. Before joining Trucost, Miriam worked on a research project for Unilever regarding the sustainable intensification of agriculture.

  • Contains 2 Component(s) Recorded On: 03/26/2020

    Join Practice Greenhealth for a sharing call to hear what other hospitals and health systems are planning for their 50th anniversary Earth Day events.

    Earth Day is 50 this year, and the theme is climate action. Join Practice Greenhealth for a sharing call to hear what others are planning for their 50th anniversary Earth Day events. By partnering with others, Earth Day activities can connect your organization with the greater community and demonstrate its commitment to healthy people on a healthy planet. Learn about Practice Greenhealth’s call for videos to capture the passion and action of individuals who want to demonstrate their commitment.

    • Gather and share ideas for activities to celebrate the 50th anniversary of Earth Day, April 22, 2020.
    • Hear how organizations have connected to their community for an enhanced Earth Day experience.
    • Join the global campaign to share your voice about the importance of climate action and Earth Day Activities

    Paul W. Kelley, CBET

    Washington Hospital director of biomedical engineering, the Green Initiative, and asset redeployment

    Paul W. Kelley, CBET, has led the green team at Washington Hospital in Fremont, Calif., since their first meeting on 08/08/08 at 08:08 a.m. He also serves on the City of Fremont Environmental Sustainability Commission and the Joint Commission Patient Safety Advisory Group. Kelley is a member of the AAMI Sustainability Standards Committee where they are developing documents outlining important considerations in the area of medical devices and environmental sustainability.

    John Leigh

    Virginia Mason Medical Center sustainability director

    John has more than 25 years of experience in environmental sustainability and waste management. In his current role at Virginia Mason Medical Center, he collaborates with operational leaders and external partners to develop and drive the health system’s sustainability program across multiple domains, including energy, food, waste, and public policy. His previous experience includes 14 years leading the sustainability programs and waste operations at Dartmouth-Hitchcock Health and 10 years coordinating programs in the EPA’s Office of Resource Conservation and Recovery. Leigh also served as a Peace Corps Volunteer for three years in Benin, West Africa, promoting fuel-efficient mud stoves.

    Mersedeh Shahrazad-Schmidt, RD

    Providence Regional Medical Center Everett nutrition services director

    Shahrazad-Schmidt has been worked health care for a number of years, serving Providence for 21 years with oversight of a multi-campus operation totaling more than 650 beds.  She enjoys jazz, good wine, Persian food and is currently writing a cookbook.

    Janet Howard (Moderator)

    Director, Member Engagement and Healthier Hospitals, Practice Greenhealth

    Janet Howard leads the facility member engagement team and the Healthier Hospitals program. The team provides fresh content, educational support and technical assistance to Practice Greenhealth facility members and Healthier Hospitals enrollees. Recent projects include the Employee Engagement Toolkit and fresh content on Materials/WastesEngaged Leadership and the new Less Food to Landfill goal and toolkit.

    The Member Engagement team works together to help organizations recognize the link between sustainability programming and quality, patient experience and performance excellence. Janet's angle is around empowerment and the belief that every person deserves a safe, healthy and respectful environment.

    With Iqbal Mian, Janet developed a strategic deployment consult offering at Practice Greenhealth. The day-long program facilitates the facility or system's vision, mission, goals and elevator speeches for sustainability programming in alignment with overall strategic organizational goals. This senior level engagement results in strategic deployment and optimizes programmatic success.

    Janet pioneered sustainability in health care from 1991-2004 for Continuum Health Partners in New York City. She is a frequent writer on health care sustainability issues for outlets like Greenbiz, CSR Wire and Health Care Design Magazine. Read Janet’s columns on her LinkedIn profile.


    Contact Info:

    Email: (T): 866.598.2110

  • Contains 2 Component(s) Recorded On: 03/12/2020

    As the climate crisis worsens, health professionals are turning toward innovative forms of advocacy to demand immediate climate action to protect the health of their patients and our future.

    Health professionals have a vital role to play at this critical time by calling attention to the many ways climate change impacts health. In this webinar, you will hear from three clinicians about the innovative ways they are mobilizing health care colleagues, drawing attention to the health impacts of climate change, and redefining health professional climate advocacy in the era of the climate crisis. 

    Increasingly, health professionals are concerned about the climate crisis and are motivated to find ways to take effective action. As trusted messengers they have many opportunities to leverage their influence and expertise to advocate for climate policy solutions to protect health. However, given the urgency of the climate crisis, along with inadequate governmental action, health professionals are turning to nontraditional forms of advocacy, including civil disobedience, to demand immediate solutions to protect our future.

    Webinar participants will learn about innovative ways health professionals are taking action, including: 

    1. Demonstrating at Fire Drill Fridays
    2. Delivering inspirational “climate train talks”
    3. Forming nonviolent, clinician climate action groups with support from the Climate Disobedience Center
    4. Calling on their institutions to divest from fossil fuels

    Dr. Helena Clements

    Sherwood Forest Hospitals Trust consultant general paediatrician and Women and Children’s Division clinical chair

    Clements is a pediatrician with interests in neurodisability and palliative care. She has lived in a zero-carbon housing development for the last 22 years, where she and her husband have raised three children. In the last year, she has used her role as a senior pediatrician as a platform to discuss the climate crisis in terms of a health crisis. She joined Doctors For Extinction Rebellion in London in October 2019, delivering her first climate train talk on the way.

    Katie Huffling, MS, RN, CNM, FAAN

    Alliance of Nurses for Healthy Environments executive director and a certified nurse-midwife

    Huffling works with nurses and national nursing organizations to elevate environmental health issues, such as climate change, toxic chemicals, and sustainability in health care. She was an editor of the environmental health e-textbook “Environmental Health in Nursing” that won the 2017 AJN Book of the Year in Environmental Health. Huffling was the recipient of the 2018 Charlotte Brody Award, which recognizes nurses who go beyond everyday nursing endeavors to proactively promote and protect environmental health.

    Dr. Jim Recht

    Harvard Medical School assistant professor of psychiatry, Tufts University School of Medicine adjunct clinical assistant professor of psychiatry, Cambridge Health Alliance staff psychiatrist Massachusetts General Hospital clinical consultant

    Recht is a psychiatrist with clinical interests in substance use and the health effects of poverty, housing scarcity, and structural racism. Over the past several years, he has increasingly observed patients and their families struggling with climate change’s health harms. As a member of the Greater Boston chapter of Physicians for Social Responsibility, he has helped develop PSR’s climate change initiatives, and as a campus fossil fuel divestment advocate, he was a co-founder of Harvard Faculty for Divestment and the Boston All-Campus Divestment Collaborative. He is currently working with Boston-area physicians to explore possibilities for physician-organized, nonviolent civil disobedience to promote systemic policy changes needed to avert climate disaster.

  • Contains 2 Component(s)

    Gain recognition for environmental achievements on a national stage while gathering data to support benchmarking, goal-setting, and impact assessment.

    The Environmental Excellence Awards program can assist hospitals in developing a comprehensive sustainability baseline while gaining recognition for environmental achievements on a national stage. Learn how participation in this Practice Greenhealth program can support and assess your organization’s sustainability journey. The application process identifies key metrics to measure sustainability performance, and helps delineate the environmental and financial impacts of your initiatives. Join us to hear how the awards program can benefit your hospital.

    Learning objectives

    • Discover the benefits of participating in the Environmental Excellence Awards for the first time.
    • Familiarize yourself with the application interface and the information and data required to apply for an award.
    • Learn about the different award levels and the scoring framework.

    Cecilia DeLoach Lynn

    Practice Greenhealth sector performance and recognition director

    DeLoach Lynn leads the sector performance team at Practice Greenhealth, where she works to develop and refine key performance metrics for sustainability in the health care sector. She also creates tools and guidance to support members in assessing, measuring, and benchmarking sustainability performance, impact, and return on investment. DeLoach Lynn is an expert in sustainable operations in health care and has been guiding hospitals and health systems on the development of customized sustainability and change management strategies for more than 20 years.

    Contact Info: