Sharing Call: Healthier Hospitals ---- Refreshed And Ready to Go!

Recorded On: 02/24/2016

Session Description

The three-year Healthier Hospitals Initiative campaign (2012-2015) served as a guide for hospitals to adopt environmental best practices such as reducing energy and waste, choosing safer and less toxic products, and purchasing and serving healthier food. One thousand enrollees submitted data around the six Challenge areas and valued the clarity of packaged goals including data collection protocol, guidance documents and case studies.
Due to the momentum and success of the Initiative, Healthier Hospitals continues as a free program for both those just getting started and for Practice Greenhealth members as a powerful use of aggregate data and market transformation.
Join Janet Howard and Lauren Kleinman for a review of the highlights of the three-year initiative, review the refreshed six Challenge areas and learn about the power of aggregate data through the focused goals of the new Market Transformation Group..

Learning Objectives

  • Understand how the Healthier Hospitals program supports hospitals that are just getting started.
  • Explore what has changed as the Initiative transitioned to a program and the Challenges were refreshed.
  • Access guidance documents and worksheets to support building a case to leadership for sustainability initiatives.
  • Learn how the power of aggregate data is used to compel the supply chain to provide healthier products, services and equipment.


lauren_kleinman-100x100.jpgLauren Kleinman, MA, MENR, Outreach and Engagement Specialist, Practice Greenhealth

Lauren Kleinman is an Outreach and Engagement Specialist for Practice Greenhealth, in addition to her project management responsibilities for Healthier Hospitals, the Market Transformation Group, and working with the HCWH Climate Program to bring fresh content on climate and health to Practice Greenhealth. Prior to joining the organization, Lauren earned a dual Masters in environment and natural resources / public policy and administration from The Ohio State University while she worked at OSU Wexner Medical Center in the pharmacy department.

jhoward.jpgJanet Howard, Director, Member Engagement, Practice Greenhealth and Director, Healthier Hospitals

Janet Howard directs Practice Greenhealth's member engagement and the development of guidance documents, content, educational opportunities and a community of sharing best practices for the Practice Greenhealth membership. She also directs the Healthier Hospitals program, a free program for those just getting started on environmental stewardship. Janet pioneered environmental interventions in health care from 1991-2004 for Continuum Health Partners in New York City. She is a frequent writer on health care sustainability issues for outlets like Greenbiz, CSR Wire and Healthcare Design magazine. You can read Janet's columns on her linked in page and follow her on twitter @janny14. Janet lives in Amherst, MA.


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Healthier Hospitals ---- Refreshed And Ready to Go!
60-minute Sharing Call Live event: 02/24/2016 at 2:00 PM (EST) You must register to access.